And Help Your Consumer Athletes Perform
More Like the Pros They Love!
Industry-founding pioneer GenCanna changes the consumer sports game with an innovative, BRAND-ready lineup of Sports Performance and Recovery products formulated with CBD. Quick, convenient, on-the-go topicals like CBD-infused joint relief creams, heated balms and ingenious transdermal KT tape, help weekend warriors improve performance and accelerate muscle recovery — before, during and after activity.
GenCanna’s turnkey White Label Services program makes adopting these elite formulations and form factors fast, easy and super-profitable. Beat the competition at their own game, and snag a greater share of the lucrative sports retail market, which analysts project could top $65.6 billion this year alone.* With all that opportunity at play, it’s your time to tee up and swing.
The active ingredients in our crafted products, including lavender, arnica, camphor and menthol, team up with our hemp-derived CBD to formulate a champion lineup of powerful muscle- and joint-soothing infusions — solutions for helping you and your customers score more wins.
With GenCanna’s all-star, white label, BRAND-ready lineup…
*IBISWorld, 2021

And Help Your Consumer Athletes Perform
More Like the Pros They Love!
Industry-founding pioneer GenCanna changes the sports supplement game with an innovative, BRAND-ready lineup of Sports Performance and Recovery products enriched with CBD. Quick, convenient, on-the-go topicals like CBD-infused joint relief creams, heated balms and ingenious transdermal KT Tape, help weekend warriors improve performance and accelerate muscle recovery — before, during and after activity.
GenCanna’s turnkey White Label Services program makes adopting these elite formulations and form factors fast, easy and super-profitable. Beat the competition at their own game, and snag a greater share of the lucrative sports nutrition market, which analysts project could reach $16.8 billion in 2022.* And that’s just a portion of the overall sporting goods store industry, expected to reach $65.6 billion this year alone.** With all that opportunity at play, it’s your time to tee up and swing.
The active ingredients in our crafted products, including lavender, arnica, camphor and menthol, team up with our hemp-derived CBD to formulate a champion lineup of powerful muscle- and joint-soothing infusions — solutions for helping you and your customers score more wins.
With GenCanna’s all-star, white label, BRAND-ready lineup…
*IBISWorld, 2021; **Grand View Research, 2022