And Empower Women to Fight Back
Against Villainous Hormones and Cramps!
Pioneering CBD provider GenCanna introduces an innovative, BRAND-ready lineup of Women’s Health products formulated to help manage the discomfort of monthly periods. Discreet and super-convenient, topical applications like roll-ons, heated balms and transdermal patches help support welcome relief — anytime, anywhere.
GenCanna’s turnkey White Label Services program makes adopting these breakthrough formulations and form factors fast, easy and super-profitable. And just like that — BAM! — you’re boosting your share of the nearly $9.5 billion global CBD consumer health market!*
Active ingredients such as lavender, rosemary, black pepper and other key adaptogens and focused ingredients work together with our premium hemp-derived CBD to — ZONK! — help women put menstrual discomfort and raging hormones in their place.
Flex YOUR Superpower with our heroic
white label BRAND-ready lineup…
*Source: CBD Consumer Health Market Forecast, Grand View Research, 2020

And Empower Women to Fight Back
Against Villainous Hormones and Cramps!
Pioneering CBD provider GenCanna introduces an innovative, BRAND-ready lineup of Women’s Health products formulated to help manage the discomfort of monthly periods. Discreet and super-convenient, topical applications like roll-ons, heated balms and transdermal patches help support welcome relief — anytime, anywhere.
GenCanna’s turnkey White Label Services program makes adopting these breakthrough formulations and form factors fast, easy and super-profitable. And just like that — BAM! — you’re boosting your share of the nearly $9.5 billion global CBD consumer health market!*
Active ingredients such as lavender, rosemary, black pepper and other key adaptogens and focused ingredients work together with our premium hemp-derived CBD to — ZONK! — help women put menstrual pain and raging hormones in their place.
Flex YOUR Superpower with our heroic
white label BRAND-ready line up…