We built GenCanna to provide a scalable and sustainable supply of premium hemp-derived CBD and other best-in-class cannabinoids to serve a variety of brands, markets, distributors and retailers. Quality, purity and consistency remain the bedrock of our company.

Your Smartest, Surest Choice in a Full-Service Cannabinoid Provider

As claims go, that’s pretty bold. Can we back it up? Do we possess the insights and singular capabilities that set GenCanna ahead and apart? Here’s where being an industry-founding pioneer comes in handy. We designed and developed the GenCanna Production Platform (GPP) as a result of our unrelenting focus on producing the highest quality, most rigorously vetted and stringently accredited cannabinoid products.

What Is GPP?

GPP at GenCanna represents our collective knowledge and expertise. Our teams, skillsets, and formulation techniques. Our leading science, compliance protocols, and stringent QA measures. Advanced equipment and facilities, manufacturing processes and optimized supply chain — including vigilant CMO oversight. Plus, the patents and proprietary breakthrough innovations that continue to distinguish GenCanna from any other cannabinoid provider today. This is our fingerprint. Our superior DNA. The differentiator that makes your CBD offerings more marketable, desirable and profitable.

A One-of-a-Kind, End-to-End Cannabinoid Ecosystem

GPP is the formalized and codified brain trust that our company founders have been amassing and applying since we first envisioned this industry over a decade ago, then boldly helped pioneer it in 2014. GPP is GenCanna’s complete end-to-end production ecosystem. Its design and implementation is a colossal feat of bold ingenuity and persistent innovation — years of refining, perfecting and standardizing the process of extracting quality cannabinoids from hemp. Again, this is the value of partnering with a trusted industry-founding pioneer. Unrivaled in depth, breadth and scope, GPP informs and guides everything we do and direct — from crops grown to products consumed and all steps in between. GPP is what makes GenCanna the one you know and trust.

Ultimately, GPP allows our customers’ brands to proudly bear the mark…

To learn more about becoming a valued GenCanna partner, and the impact that will bring to your CBD offerings in consumer brand loyalty and profitability, be sure to contact us today.

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